Robotic Process Automation Trainee - Yettel Bulgaria
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Robotic Process Automation Trainee

Публикувано на 11.09.2024 | Изтича на 26.10.2024

Описание на позицията

Ready to jump into the mind-blowing world of Robotic Automation? We've got an internship that'll make your tech-loving heart do backflips! We're on the hunt for a Robotic Automation Trainee to join our awesome team. This isn't just any old internship - it's your chance to be the mastermind behind the robots that'll make our business run like a well-oiled machine!

Let's take a sneak peek at the robot playground waiting for you.

What You'll Be Up To: 
As our Robotic Process Automation Trainee, you'll be like a digital sorcerer, waving your coding wand to automate all sorts of cool stuff. From Business Process Automation to Test Automation and even Monitoring Automation - you'll be right in the thick of it all! 

Your Daily Robot Adventures:
•    Create and teach robots to do simple tasks  
•    Team up with our automation wizards to tackle big, juicy business processes
•    Go on tech treasure hunts to find the coolest new tools for our robot army
•    Keep an eye on our robot helpers to make sure they're behaving 

What We're Looking For:
•    A degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or something equally brainy
•    Someone who speaks 'tech' - stuff like programming, software engineering, and databases
•    A team player who can work with humans as well as you work with robots
•    An eager beaver always ready to learn new tricks and take on more responsibility
•    A go-getter who sees a problem and thinks "I can fix that!"
•    English and Bulgarian language skills so good, even our robots will be impressed


What We're Offering:
•    A full year of paid internship  
•    All the perks our regular employees get
•    A fun workplace where work and play go hand in hand
•    A fantastic team ready to teach you the ropes
•    Flexible hours, because we know life happens

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality and in compliance with applicable law regarding personal data protections

Yettel Bulgaria

Yettel Bulgaria

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Тип заетост Пълно работно време
Градове Хибридно (София)